Thursday, 15 September 2011

Finding Row Z Interview- Reece Scragg

Anybody that has attended a game at Molinuex may have noticed Reece in the stands, shirtless. Reece runs the blog Shirt Off For Wolves, where he hopes to raise money for charity be attending every game shirtless. Editor Dean Mears caught up with Reece to find out more about SO4W.
Shirt off for Wolves sounds pretty simple, but what's it all about?

It started off with me just messing around 4 seasons ago Wolves were in the Championship and 4-0 up at half time and a friend of mine said I should do it (bearing in mind it's August so it's warm) I thought nothing of it so I did. The next game people around me expected me to do it when we scored so I did. Moving on a season I thought I would take my shirt off all game people thought it was a crazy so the season after when it caught on a lot more I had the idea of having pictures with different fans home & away. 

What sort of response do you get from home and away fans at games (funny chants etc)?

I haven't had any chants I get some funny looks and a lot of people ask why. When I tell them why people understand it a lot more. (Reece is fundraising for Jack's Fund)

What's the best game you've seen topless?

Best games are when it's warm! Haha! Honestly though West Ham away in our first season back in the Premier league! We won 3-1 on a Tuesday night. Never been so warm on a Tuesday night in my life! 

As mentioned previously, you've gone topless for Jack's Fund, why is this charity special to you?

Well I first thought of the idea of raising awareness/money for a cause for someone in January this year. I asked Twitter for different causes and Jack's name came up a few times so I looked at Jack's website and I spoke to Jack's mum Tracey about if I could get involved and she was more than happy for me too! That's how I first got involved! The reason why I chose Jack's Fund was because I had an older sister who passed away having suffered from cancer. I never got to know her as I was 3 when she passed so Jack's story really touched me a lot.

How much have you raised so far? And how can people donate?

I honestly don't know how much I have raised I get a lot of people tweeting me that they've brought a Jack's Fund wristband or key ring as they have heard what I do which feels really good if I'm honest. I haven't really set myself a target as such just more the merrier. If you would like to donate to Jack's Fund you can do by purchasing a Jack Marshall wristband, key ring or other items on jacks website which is 
 How cold does it really get? And how do you try and get yourself warm? 

Its not too bad between the beginning of the season and September then the weather drops and it gets very cold. But once you go past the numbness you can't feel the temperature or anything else... It warms back up from around end of march time so 80% of the season it's freezing! Midweek games are even colder. I normally get warm by celebrating if/when we score or hug the big fella that sits by me.

Finding Row Z would like to thank Reece for his time, and we would urge every reader to head to Jack's Fund and donate some money or buy a wristband (like we have) and support a great cause, and don't forget to follow Reece and Jack's Fund on Twitter

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